Fighting Biases
Facebook Groups can be safe haven for many People of different backgrounds and interests.
As biases are ever present in any society and stop people from connecting, Facebook took the chance for a social POSE CAMPAIGN with the highlight of an event with none other than Aminata Belli as the presenter.
In this FB live event Aminata gave Group members the chance to share their story and encourage other people to become part of the experience. For more open mindset in the social media with #OffenFürAlle
Role: Art Direction, Look developement, Supervising, Research
As biases are ever present in any society and stop people from connecting, Facebook took the chance for a social POSE CAMPAIGN with the highlight of an event with none other than Aminata Belli as the presenter.
In this FB live event Aminata gave Group members the chance to share their story and encourage other people to become part of the experience. For more open mindset in the social media with #OffenFürAlle
Role: Art Direction, Look developement, Supervising, Research

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